Saturday, March 5, 2011

Rayden gets a parakeet!!!

  So we went to Denver yesterday and Rayden got to pick out a parakeet! He had to keep his room clear for two months but he said it was definitely worth it. We went to PetsMart first but parakeets were cheaper at PetCo and there was one on the way out of town. We went to SamsClub afterward and barely made it to PetCo in time. When you have seven kids Sams takes forever. Mom was helping him pick out one that looked like a boy because it's kinda hard to tell.
  Lot's of choices!! He got a green one but the blue ones are cool too. I will see if I can post a picture of it later once he gets it trained to sit on his finger.
  See that wad o' cash in his right hand? He saved for at least a year to get that!
  I believe PetCo has a very happy customer, no?
  They all got scared when the PetCo personnel got Rayden's parakeet out so they all bunched up. And Rayden's parakeet escaped from his box in the van on our three hour trip home. I have no idea how but we got him back in without much difficulty. I think. I was asleep most of the way home. :)

1 comment:

Julie Durand said...

Hope he's still liking his parakeet!! We have two new (to us) parakeets... so now have Hershel (green), Nigel (blue) and Agnes (green). Nigel is disabled with a bad wing. All will sit on your finger, sometimes it takes lots of prompting, though.
- Julie