Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Calving in the snow

Here is our suburban. It's our all time calving and hunting vehicle. :) I think you can really see the snow coming down in this one.
And this is our house, blanketed in snow. You can see Rhett walking along the sidewalk. lol
Run away, calf! Be free!!
This is Kailey's cow,  Freckles. lol
And I just thought this was a cool picture.


Anonymous said...

the snow looks so pretty especially in the picture of your house. We don't get snow where I live:(

Riley S. said...

you wouldn't like it a whole lot once you get a lot of it. ;) but i bet you'll see some someday :)

lauren said...

that calf is cuuuute. my family decided that if we ever get a cow (we plan on it maybe)we would name it "the neighbors jersey bull."

Riley S. said...

lol good name! haha :D