Thursday, April 7, 2011

More Calving in the Snow Part 3

Wow. This picture is just so. . . awe-inspiring. . .wondrous. . amazing. God is great and fully awesome, no?  I just love big snow that melts really fast. lol
Prairie + a few trees + snow = Awesome picture.
This one might be too much. . .I don't know. It sort of looks like the picture is cut in half by the horizon. Ya, I didn't do that very well. But can you see the snow?
More cows and trees and snow and grass. You guys getting bored yet?
This one is my favorite of them all. I think it is SO cool!! When I took it I was disappointed because it just looked plain white. But I messed with it a bit and now I love it. What do you guys think?

1 comment:

Tori said...

That is so cool!! :) Really really cool :)

But, why is there snow??
It's been so hot over here!