Wednesday, April 6, 2011

More Calving in the Snow Part 2

I love this picture. I think it's so cool with the cows spread out among the grass and with the trees on the background. Awesome. :)

What I like about this one is the snow on the post behind the calves and I think the calves look even cuter in the snow. But I am very glad the snow melted quickly. Me and snow don't get along, if you know what I mean. ;)

Oh, how I just love to shoot barbed wire!! With my camera. ;) So easy because it never moves much and it looks cool when wet. Like my fair picture I posted earlier.

Can you see how big the snow is? Wow. God never ceases to amaze me. One of the good things about this pic is that the horizon isn't in the center. See what I mean? The horizon is only a third of the way up. I learned that in 4-H. ;)

And more big snow. I don't think I have ever seen it so big in my life. This particular cow wasn't really, really worried about Dad tagging her calf like some are. If you want me to get some pics of the tagging equipment, lemme know and I'll do a little ranch 101 post. lol

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