Sunday, February 13, 2011

Ryder yet again. . .

  I have no clue why he wants to do chores but I guess he does. If only he'd do mine. ;)
  Look at that face.
  Don't ask. :)
  He loves climbing on the table.
 Here is Rayden. And those are valentines trees in the background. Not christmas trees! It was't my idea but it looks cool in this photo. :)


Kailey said...

Oh, Ryder is SOOOO cute! And he even does chores!

~ Katie ~ said...

He is adorable. My little sister is a demon when angered! And the minute you want something done she's nowhere to be found, lol.

Diane said...

Yep...start 'em young on the housework, so the adults can sit around eating bon bons and sipping lattes...

Riley S. said...

lol :)