Saturday, January 15, 2011

Moving Cows Again

   Yes, I know this one is lopsided. I just thought it looked cool. :)

  Here's the sunset now that the cows are safe and sound on corn stalks.
  Ok. So I stayed with Dad to help him set up the chargers on the electric fence, and Reid and Kailey went with our friend, Rio, and the horses back home. Well, as you can see, he got the pickup stuck. I have no clue how he did it but he did. I guess the trailer didn't have any lights so he was taking the backroads and got stuck.
  So we got the horses out of the trailer and called a friend. Hehe, it's a good thing he's got a big tractor.
 This thing is huge, believe me. It all turned out ok in the end and we got home before midnight so that was good. :)


~ Katie ~ said...

Nice sunset! No mountains in Kansas? I like Maine better. :D

Riley S. said...

Hey, at least we can see past our backyard. ;) But I have to admit Maine is pretty. . .

~ Katie ~ said...

Hey I can see past my backyard! A little ways...until the trees...don't you get agoraphobic?

Riley S. said...

What's that? ;)

~ Katie ~ said...

Afraid of open spaces. You know, with it being all flat and stuff down there?

Riley S. said...

Oh, there's lots of hills and valleys. And I like open spaces. Just when I'm not all alone. Even then, as long as it's not dark I'm ok. :)

Anonymous said...

I agree with Katie! I love the sunset :)

Riley S. said...

Thanks. If you look closely you can see the cows on corn stalks right under the sun and to the far right of the horizon there is a pivot.

Junior Josie said...

Ah... there's nothing better than a Kansas sunset!
And Katie, don't you get claustrophobic??

~ Katie ~ said...

Haha nope- there is a balance here. Lots of open spaces along with the forests.

Riley S. said...

Same here, Katie. We have trees and hills and it's not flat as a pancake everywhere! :)

I agree, Junior Josie. :)